Mission Growth Partners is led by Cecelia Caspram, its Founder and CEO.

Cecelia is a social worker, a fundraiser, a grower of philanthropy.

She is a practical idealist.

She has prioritized, in her own personal and professional growth, becoming a rooted, present human and leader.

Over the decade-and-a-half-plus that she has worked in the field, she has collaboratively raised millions of dollars for the important work of bettering our communities.

She has also developed a passionate commitment to a renewed and re-birthed system of philanthropy — one re-connected to the original roots of philanthropy’s meaning: love of humanity.

She holds her Master’s in Social Work (MSW) and a Bachelor’s in English. She is also a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE).

Learn more about Cecelia — including career experiences, education, and references — here on her LinkedIn profile.

There is also more of Cecelia’s story, and her “why” for Mission Growth Partners, here.

Banner Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash